Protective Wading Boots- Ambushers (tall boots)


 Bart’s Bay Armor ” Ambushers”

  • Get a pair your normal size for wet wading and a pair 1 size larger for your waders in the cool months. AND get your wife some too!

  • Made from state of the art, newly developed, cut and puncture resistant material that is Patented.

    US patent # 11,406,158

  • Protective from the very top to the bottom, even under the sole. The rubberized lower makes the most vulnerable areas even more protective.

  • So comfortable they are revolutionizing wade fishing.

  • Get a pair for summer and a pair a size larger for wearing with your waders in the cool months.

  • Remember, Nothing is 100 % proof under all situations and conditions so stay alert, be cautious, shuffle your feet and do not handle stingrays.

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Official Ray Pel stingray deterrent with boot clip